Your Chief Therapist

Word Spa founder Ryan "Fritz" Holznagel is an Emmy-winning writer with a knack for writing clear, friendly copy. His soothing approach and delicate touch will help you bring the most out of your words.

Fritz won his Emmy in 1992 for scripting the CBS TV special A Claymation Easter Celebration. He then became a CD-ROM pioneer, writing for discs like The 20th Century Video Almanac and Great Literature. The Internet Age arrived, and Fritz edited the 1996 book The World Wide Web Top 1000, created The Lycos 50 -- the very first weekly ranking of the Web's most-searched terms -- and (with Paul Hehn) founded, still one of the Web's most-visited biographical guides.

Fritz joined Google in 2004 and spent five happy years learning the fine art of customer support FAQs, emails, and web copy. He left Google in 2009 to open the Word Spa.

Fritz has freelanced for Intuit, Universal Studios, Mike Milken, Lenovo, and the Dictionary of American History. He also spent a year writing for, where he was the first to suggest that movie buffs should pair Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds with a 2002 Sonoma Chardonnay.

In a TV-age sidelight, Fritz won the Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions in 1995, defeating 14 other champs to claim the $100,000 grand prize. (See Fritz interviewing Jeopardy! master Ken Jennings at Google in the video below.)

The Word Spa is based in peaceful Cincinnati, near cardinals, sycamore trees, and the rolling Ohio River.

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Before Word Spa:
"We have taken advantage of some of our quantitative models and leveraged the business analytics team to identify projects that can dramatically increase results for our high potential customers."

AFTER Word Spa:
"We've crunched the numbers (thanks, analytics team!) to find projects that will give the biggest boost to our best customers."

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